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Wednesday, November 5, 2014


This weekend was eventful after winning the DH Women's race, I walked away with an Original Aribter DK.

My Story:

I also walked away with a new sponsorship, SheShreds! I'm so stoked about being the newest ambassador for this amazing team of ladies! I share the vision they have about female athletes powering through their sports. My new teammates all have this love and passion for what they do. I can't wait to see what this coming up year will have in store for me. (: 

My whole life I grew up as a part of the guys and didn't have any girl friends. I hated anything and everything girly, including dresses and especially the color pink. I played every sport I could growing up, hockey, speed skating, baseball then softball, roller derby and now I have longboarding. 

While playing all these sports, I had to overcome being the only girl around in my group of friends. Yeah I got teased sometimes but I learned how to dish it right back and grew thick skin. They may have given me a hard time growing up but they are still very good friends of mine to this day and would do anything for me. This has made me who I am today, I am a confident person who takes risks and not afraid to stand up for what I believe in. I love to hang out with my friends and make new friends everywhere I go. 

The longboard community is the same way, full of guys and very little ladies. I love how we are a big family and take care of each other. When I meet ladies who skate, it becomes an instant friendship, which is rad.  I also love how the guys push my limits even when I'm unsure of my skills then, after I nail the run with them, we all get so hyped on it! The guys are pretty supportive in Texas. Being a female in the male dominant sport of longboarding can be difficult at times, but I don't view it as an obstacle. I view myself the same as them taking pack runs together. Being a female shouldn't hold me back one bit. I don't ever use the excuse of "I'm a girl" because I'd be playing into the stereotypical female can't do it idea and I don't like that at all. Here's to being a female and skating my heart out every time I step on my board. 

Rock Around the Rock-Dallas

This past weekend I took a trip to Dallas in the NoBull car with Greg, Will, Luis and Tony. Skate trips are always fun! We took part in the Rock Around the Rock held by Kasper, which had a LDP race and DH race. Lance Curry won the 10 mile LDP race in 36 min 42 sec! Ray Adams won the DH race despite hitting a cat in the semifinals. I won the DH Women's race after having two crashes in the open heats. Overall this trip was pretty rad and I got to hang out with all my DFW friends. (:

Skate everyday!